The Creating a Resilient Community Conference is an annual initiative that hosts cutting-edge keynote speakers and convenes participants to explore community wellness, positive and adverse childhood experiences (PACEs), and trauma-informed practices that can transform our region into one of prevention, hope, healing and resilience for all.
Next Conference: 7th Annual Creating a Resilient Community Conference
April 3-4, 2025
Notable Speakers: Dr. Thomas Insel, MD (Former Director, National Institute of Mental Health)
Themes: Community Resilience, 3 P’s for Mental Health & Recovery (People, Place, Purpose), Restorative Justice, Trauma Informed Practices, Juvenile Justice
Notable Speakers: Dr. Lori Desautels, Honorable Judge Steven Leifman
Themes: Trauma-informed Criminal Justice System, Applied Educational Neuroscience, Punishment vs. Discipline
Notable Speakers: Dr. Asim Jani
Themes: Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs), Salutogenesis, Systems Thinking, Intersectionality and Inclusivity, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Community Resilience
Videos: Keynote: Dr. Asim Jani – Let’s Make the Shift
Notable Speakers: Dr. Donna Jackson Nakazawa
Themes: Trauma and the Brain, Resilience, Protective Factors, Epigenetics, Neurogenesis, Parenting
Notable Speakers: Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg, Dr. Wendy Ellis
Themes: Pair of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences vs. Adverse Community Experiences), Strengths-Based Community Approaches, Community Resilience, Building Resilience in Adolescents, Positive Youth Development
Notable Speakers: Dr. Vincent Felitti
Themes: Original ACE Study, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Trauma, Chronic Stress, Individual and Community Wellbeing
Contact us at
1331 Palmetto Ave, Suite 201, Winter Park, FL 32789, US
Peace and Justice Institute is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS.